almost 3 years ago -

Tips to Optimize the Resumes of Today

Blog Tips To Optimize The Resumes Of Today

​Throughout almost every era of work, a resume listing your accomplishments has been necessary. Even Leonardo da Vinci had to advertise himself with a letter to the Duke of Milan. But times have changed. Here’s how to update your resume to create the "wow" factor.

Create a video-based visual resume

This high-tech resume signals to prospective employers that you are comfortable with new technology. Producing a video doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavor since many digital cameras on the market today can shoot good quality videos. To shoot the best video-based visual resume using equipment you already have, follow these tips

Sync your resume with your LinkedIn profile

Present a consistent professional image by synchronizing your resume and your LinkedIn profile. Many employers will check your social media profiles, which can include a much fuller picture of who you are professionally. By completing your LinkedIn profile to include your job history and samples of your work, you can show potential employers that you understand modern technology.

Digitize your resume

Digital resume services can help tune up a resume for a digital format without any special coding or technical skills. Here are some of those tools that will help you dazzle employers. A list of tools including Standard Resume, Visual CV and Cake Resume can be found here.

Keyword optimize your resume

Craft your resume to find the right balance between reader friendliness and keyword optimization. Make sure that you have keywords on your resume by incorporating the terms from relevant job ads. At the same time, to make sure that your resume is reader friendly, write in plain language that communicates your skills.