almost 2 years ago -

Right Management Careers In Transition

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​The COVID-19 shock has come at a time when the jobs market is already going through a period of transformation and upheaval. The fourth industrial revolution, characterized by increased digitization and automation, means the skills required by the jobs of the new decade are very different to what was needed five or ten years previously. The pandemic accelerated this change. For people and businesses, negotiating these short-term shocks and long-term trends is challenging. As firms adjust to the post pandemic economy, many will look to make efficiencies and ensure they use their employees’ skills most effectively.

In a climate of economic uncertainty, and with a jobs market experiencing a period of radical transformation, outplacement is an increasingly important tool to help employees and firms adjust. The fluid pairing of workers with jobs also performs a vital role within the efficient performance of economies.

The future of outplacement will combine data-driven insight and emotional intelligence in a two-pronged ‘Tuning Fork’ evolution. Outplacement needs to adapt for the vital role it will play guiding individuals and organizations through the pandemic recovery, helping create a confident, agile and valuable workforce, able to face the challenges of the years ahead.

To learn more about how outplacement is adapting, download our latest whitepaper, “Careers in Transition: How will outplacement evolve to help companies and workers respond to upheaval?”